Urs is Here..!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sharing Large Files Over the Internet Made Easy

If you are to share a large file with someone over the Internet, there are generally two options – you can either attach the files to an email message or, if the files are too big to fit in an email program, you can upload them to an online storage service and then share the download links with the recipient.
Let’s now explore some of the popular services that’ll make it easy for you to transfer large files over the Internet without any hassles or costs.

A: Share Large Files over Email

The Gmail service cannot handle email attachments that are larger than 25 MB but the recently-revamped Hotmail service is a much better alternative as it lets you send email messages as large as 10 GB.
The maximum size of an individual file that you can attach to an Hotmail message is only 50 MB but you can use a file-splitting utility like HJ-Split to break a big file into smaller chunks and then attach them all to a single message. The recipient can then join these chunks to restore the original file and he can do without requiring external programs.

B: Share Large Files without Email

The downside with email attachments is obvious - most ISPs and web-based email programs (including Gmail) will reject incoming messages that have big attachments and therefore, if you are sending a bulky file via email, the recipients also have to be on Hotmail as well in order to receive that file.
One of the best options for sharing large files without email is Dropbox. Once you install the the Dropbox utility on your (Windows, Mac or Linux) desktop, you can upload files of virtually any size to the Internet - it’s only limited by the size of your Dropbox storage which is 2GB in the case of free accounts. Alternatively, if you don’t want to install Dropbox, you can upload files straight to the Dropbox website from your browser but the limit in this case is 300 MB per file.
You can even consider using Google Docs to share those big files over the Internet. Google Docs lets you upload files up to 250 MB in size and they can be in any format. You have 1 GB of free storage space for storing all the non-Office files on Google Docs but you can alsobuy more space for a reasonable fee.
Unlike FTP servers, services like Google Docs and Dropbox don’t support resumable downloads. That means if the connection breaks while the recipient is still trying to download your “huge” file, he or she will have to resume the download from scratch. That can be a deal-breaker for lot of people.
SkyDrive, part of the Windows Live family, can solve this problem in a way.
The service offers 25 GB of free online storage, with individual files limited to 50 MB. To upload a large file, split it into chunks of 50 MB each and then upload them all to a single folder on SkyDrive. The recipient can download the entire folder as a ZIP or, if he’s on a flaky connection, he can download files one by one and then join them all at his end.

C. Share Files without Registration

Finally, if you are looking for something quick and simple that doesn’t even require registration, talk to YouSendIt or WeTransfer (if the file size is really big). Just upload the files via the browser, enter the email address of the recipient and hit send. WeTransfer lets you send files up to 2 GB in size while the maximum allowed limit is 100 MB in the case of YouSendIt (free version).

Chart: Comparison of file sharing services

File Sharing - Size Limit

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Enable Facebook Timeline

What's Timeline..?
TIMELINE is a crazy (and kind of creepy) omnibus look at everything that has ever happened in your Facebook lifespan. It’s like a story book of your life — or at least the online, documented parts. To be crisp "You can specify some date and view how your profile was and your friends activities on that time".
Actual Logic Behind Getting this
Facebook said that Timeline would be on the way for everyone sometime in the coming weeks, which is great and all, for everyone else. But it has already launched it for application developers alone. Here in the following steps we develop a dummy application and get it, Its 100% true friends, check out mine

How To Get Timeline in My Account..?
1. Log into Facebook
2. Enable developer mode, if you haven’t already. To do this, type “developer” into the Facebook search box, click the first result (it should be an app made by Facebook with a few hundred thousand users), and add the app.
3. Jump into the developer app (if Facebook doesn’t put you there automatically, it should be in your left-hand tool bar)
4. Click on 'Create new app' on the right top corner(don’t worry — you wont actually be submitting this for anyone else to see/use). Give your shiny new app any display name and namespace[ must definitly be filled ] you see fit and not taken by any other users. Read through and agree to the Platform Privacy agreement. This is the step you need to be verified for.
5. Ensure you’re in your new app’s main settings screen. You should see your app’s name near the top of the page
6. Look for the “Open Graph” header, and click the “Get Started using open graph” link.
Create a test action for your app, like “read” a “book”, or “eat” a “sandwich”
7. This should drop you into an action type configuration page. Change a few of the default settings (I changed the past tense of “read” to “redd” — again, only you can see this unless you try and submit your application to the public directory), and click through all three pages of settings
8. Wait 2-3 minutes
9. Go back to your Facebook homescreen. An invite to try Timeline should be waiting at the top of the page
And you’re done!

Monday, May 30, 2011

How To Find Your Gmail Account Creation Date

If you lost your password unable to recover password, need gmail account created date to recover gmail account password, there are two methods to find out gmail account created date.
 Method One :
Find Date using Gmail welcome mail, When you created gmail account you will get welcome mail from google team, so find welcome mail's date which is as same as the account created date , find this mail in your gmail inbox just click on Oldest at the last mail, if you have deleted welcome mail from inbox , try second method

 Method Two :

Find Correct Date of gmail creation ,
Go to Settings – > Forwarding and POP/IMAP
in Pop Download 1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since
any doubt check in below Screen Shot

Friday, April 29, 2011

10 Amazing & Less known Facts..!

# Natural pearls melt in vinegar.

#  Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.

# If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle, if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle, if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

# The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

# Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.
Spades - King David
Clubs - Alexander the Great,
Hearts - Charlemagne
Diamonds - Julius Caesar.

# The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

# Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

# Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves

# The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles.

# A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!

Friday, April 22, 2011

15 Little Known Facts About India

The Indian economy is finally overcoming some of the obstacles that have traditionally been cumbersome to growth and today, India’s economic growth rate is among the fastest in the world, based largely on a flair for information technology and knowledge-based industries. As a result, India is providing an IT workforce for high tech companies around the world and is gradually on the path to becoming the “knowledge center” for the global technology economy.
Most of us know this, but here are 15 facts that you may not know. These facts are as of December 06, so some of them might have changed, especially number 6. If you have recent information, leave a comment and I will add it to the list:
  1. India is one of only three countries that makes supercomputers (the US and Japan are the other two).
  2. India is one of six countries that launches satellites.
  3. The Bombay stock exchange lists more than 6,600 companies. Only the NYSE has more.
  4. Eight Indian companies are listed on the NYSE; three on the NASDAQ.
  5. By volume of pills produced, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is the world’s second largest after China.
  6. India has the second largest community of software developers, after the U.S.
  7. India has the second largest network of paved highways, after the U.S.
  8. India is the world’s largest producer of milk, and among the top five producers of sugar, cotton, tea, coffee, spices, rubber, silk, and fish.
  9. 100 of the Fortune 500 companies have R&D facilities in India.
  10. Two million people of Indian origin live in the U.S.
  11. Indian-born Americans are among the most affluent and best educated of the recent immigrant groups in the U.S.
  12. Thirty percent of the R&D researchers in American pharmaceutical companies are Indian Americans.
  13. Nearly 49% of the high-tech startups in silicon Valley and Washington, D.C. are owned by Indians or Indian-Americans.
  14. India sends more students to U.S. colleges than any country in the world. In 2004-2005, over 80,000 Indian students entered the U.S. China sent only 65,000 students during the same time.
  15. In a case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, an Indian-American woman scientist, Dr. Ananda Chakrabaty, won the argument that persons may be granted patents for useful manufacture of living organisms. She defeated the U.S. Patent Office, that argued that living things may not be patented, thus establishing the legal foundation for the biotech industry, (Diamond vs. Chakrabaty, 1980). Dr. Chakrabaty invented a microbe that eats oil spills.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to Type Inverted text, Avoid certain people without their knowledge and Much more

1. HOW TO: Have Fun With Facebook’s Humorous Language Options [Typing Invertedly]

While you can always change your setting into more sensible alternative languages, the site offers a couple of fun linguistic Easter eggs.
You can chose to have Facebook display upside down English, or, for anyone feeling a little salty, in “pirate.” Pirate essentially turns your status into your “plank,” your attachments into “loot” and instead of “share” it offers the option to “blabber t’ yer mates.”
Sadly, anything you type in the status bar won’t be upside down, or pirate-y. But with the use of some external sites you can achieve the same effect.
TypeUpsideDown.com and UpsideDownText.com are just two examples of sites that can flip your text, while the Talk Like a Pirate Day site can help you with your pirate translations.

2. HOW TO: Hide Status Updates From Certain People

Using Facebook’s general privacy settings (find these by hitting “account” on the top right of a Facebook page) you can select whether everyone, just friends or friends of friends can see your status updates. However, there is a way to narrow those options down even further.
You can select specific friend lists to see your status (relevant for work, special interest groups, etc.) or even individual people by name, which is useful for anyone organizing a surprise party.
To take advantage of these options, click the padlock icon just below your “what’s on your mind” box on your wall and a drop down menu should appear. Selecting “customize” will bring up more options such as “make this visible to” and “hide from” with the option to make your selection a default.

3. HOW TO: Pre-Schedule Status Updates

While SocialOomph, Sendible and HootSuite offer the same kind of service, the simplest way to schedule Facebook status updates is by using the easy, free Later Bro service.
Just sign in with Facebook Connect, select your time zone, type in what it is you’d like to say, set the calendar and clock to when you’d like to say it, and presto!

4. HOW TO: Tag People in Your Status Updates

This was quite a big deal when it was announced this past September, but from the amount of searches on the topic “how can I make someone’s name go blue in a Facebook status?” it seems it’s not universally known.
To mention someone in a status update just type “@” (a la Twitter) in the status bar and start typing their name as it appears on Facebook. An auto-generated list will then come up with people in your social circle whose name starts with the letters you’ve typed. The feature also works with pages, brands, events and companies.
Hit the name you want, complete the update, click share and the name will become a hyperlink (you won’t see the @ symbol) and will appear in blue text.

5. HOW TO: Turn Your Status Updates Into a Word Cloud

There’s a really fun way to visualize anyone’s status updates (even an entire country’s) as a word cloud. TheStatus Analyzer 3D app will look at what it is you’ve been chatting about lately and generate a list, and then a pretty, colorful, animated cloud as pictured above.
You can share the results with others on the social networking site by posting it to your friends’ walls or by adding it to your profile.

6. Appear Online Only to Selected Friends:
Facebook chat is one of the coolest and most useful features in FB. My dilemma, however, was how to limit the number of people I chat with every time I log in. I certainly can’t accommodate them all but I don’t want them to feel like I’m rejecting them when I don’t send them a reply. I didn’t know back then that it is possible to appear online only to a few selected friends. A friend of mine actually gave me this idea which I’m sure would be of use to you, too.
Here’s how to do it:
Go to Chat found at the lower right side of the page and then, click on Friends List. A small window will appear where you can type and create a new list.  You could name it anything you want. In this example I named it “Blocklist”.
On your newly created list, select and start dragging those names that you wish to block. Then set your status to appear offline to this particular group of friends. With this, you now appear completely invisible to them. Try it now.
fchat01 300x168

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chat Abbreviations

As Far As I Know

Away From Keyboard(or sub a 'C'
 Instead of 'K' for Computer)
As Soon As Possible
Big A$$ Smile
Be Back Later
Bye Bye Now
Be Back Soon
Be Right Back
By The Way
Bursting With Laughter
Crying In Disgrace
Continued (in my) Next Post
See You (Seeya)
See You Later (Seeyalata)
Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Fingers Crossed
From The Bottom Of My Heart
For Your Information
Get A Life
Gone For Now
Giggling My Butt Off
Great Minds Think Alike
Glad To See You
Hug and Kiss
Have A Good Night
Hanging Head in Shame

I See
I Gotta Pee
In My Opinion
In Other Words
In Real Life
I Will Always Love You
Keep In Touch
Kiss On Cheek
Kiss On Lips
Lord Help Me
Lord Help Us
Laughing My A$$ Off
Laughing My Socks Off
Laugh Out Loud
Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running
Down My Leg
Long Time No See
Love You With All My Heart
Love Ya
More To Follow
No Reply Necessary
Oh, I See
On The Other Hand
Pain In The A$$
Private Message
Pardon Me For Jumping In
Peed My Pants
Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFL My A$$ Off
Read The F****** Manual!
Short Of Time
Short Of Time Must Go
Screaming with Laughter
See You Soon
Thanks Again
Thank God It's Friday
Take Care Of Yourself
Till Next Time
Thinking Of You
Ta Ta For Now
Talk To You Later
Welcome Back
What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H')
You'll Be Sorry